A number of youths with a speleo helmet head protector, special helmets for cave searching activities, look seriously pay attention to the instructor gives the material about the use of ropes.
A variety of tools is prepared before the participants enter the mouth of the cave with a large side stone wall and hit at each side.
Participants who come from a variety of natural lovers organizations will learn to trace the area of the southern Tasikmalaya district.
Photo of the carst area in Bojong Village, Karanunggal District, Tasikmalaya District, West Java.
Caving instructor training explains the use of ropes to participants.
They will be taught how to use caving tools and vertical and horizontal cave-based techniques while exploring vertical and horizontal caves, Taraje Sand Caves, as well as Bojong Caves accompanied by instructors from the Tasikmalaya Nature Community Forum (FKFAT) and Tasikmalaya Caving Community (TCC) which is an initiator in the activity.
Tasikmalaya district has a area of karst area of about 25.274 hectares consists of 39 districts have a large potency with hundreds of caves spread from north to south which is home to various biodiversity, including bat.
Based on the data of Tasikmalaya Caving Community, there are about 400 caves that have been mapped and mostly in the southern region of Tasikmalaya.
Caving instructor training explains the use of ropes to participants on.
Peserta prepares the Single Rope Technique tool (SRT) caving before entering the cave.
The vast natural laboratory has a great potential to be utilized at maximum, one of which is the balance controller of the water resources utilization ecosystem.
The FKPAT Chairman of Miftahul Rizki who is familiarly called Babol, explaining in the educational world in the state of the advanced primary school students have been taught about the natural sustainability science that will later become the basis of their awareness of maintaining natural sustainability.
Babol adds people living in the karst region usually only has a local understanding of the potential of karst so it is expected with the activities and training can invite people around to build environmental awareness, modern knowledge in utilizing and maintaining carst conservation.
Single Rope Technique Training (SRT) caving is attached to the mouth of the cave on the vertical cave search in the Taraje Sand Cave.
Peserta enters the cave using a rope when the vertical cave search in Taraje Sand Cave.
Text and Photos : Bustomi Adeng
Caving instructor training excludes Bojong Cave passage.
Habitat bat (Chiroptera) in Bojong Cave.
The caving instructor training showed a bat (Chiroptera) when the horizontal cave search in Bojong Cave.
Caving instructor trainer and participants examine stalaktit at Bojong Cave.
The caving instructor training traces and breaks the river stream of Bojong Cave.
Editor : Revelation