Sunday, December 26th 2004 at 07.59 WIB the earth in the strongest Aceh Province. The seawater wave of the Indian Ocean leveled most of the Earth serambiant Mecca with soil and mud.
The earthquake disaster is 9.3 The Richter Scale (SR) also causes a series of survival tsunamis along the land bordered directly with the Indian Ocean.
A number of Southeast Asian coasters such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Myanmar, as well as in several South Asian countries, including Sri Lanka, Maldives, and India. Even tsunami waves also reach a number of countries on the eastern coast of Africa such as Somalia and Seychelles.
Puing a typical Aceh motorbike with the background of Dakota RI-001 Seulawah (left) aircraft and citizens in Dakota RI-001 Seulawah aircraft monuments in Blangpadang, Banda Aceh, Aceh (right).
Photo collage of a heavy tool cleans the fluctuation of the debris scattered by tsunami on the city road and the Baiturrahman Mosque page (left) and workers by using heavy equipment repairing electrical umbrellas on the Baiturrahman Mosque page, Banda Aceh, Aceh (right).
At least 16 countries affected by earthquake and Indonesia are the largest tsunami, especially in Aceh.
The 20-year-old dive days have completed the house, shops, office buildings and various public facilities, settlements and roads filled with puing-puing buildings and mayats of disaster victims.
The Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Nanggroe Aceh and Nias (BRR NAD-Nias) reported that the disaster resulted in 200 thousand more dies and lost.
The photo of the collage of citizens runs between the debris and fishing vessels brought the tsunami waves in front of the Medan Hotel (left) and the citizens crossed in front of the Medan Hotel in Peuna, Banda Aceh (right).
Photo collage of wooden piles and puing-puing carried tsunami waves in the circular area of Simpang Lima, Banda Aceh (left) and traffic users crossing in the roundan area of Simpang Lima, Banda Aceh, Aceh (right).
About 650,000 hectares of residential and agricultural land destroyed. From total 36.145 existing home units, as many as 20.917 units are damaged, and 162 units of social facilities are also targeted, with the rate of damage reaches 62.31 percent.
20 years or two decades after earthquake disasters and tsunamis hit Aceh, the development conditions of infrastructure and community resilience in Indonesia’s most western provincial provincial province demonstrated significant progress.
Tsunami 2024 as a reminder, maha dasyat disaster at the end of December 2004 which has opened the world’s eyes to better understand the mitigation of disasters, solidarity of justice and disaster education for generations to come.
The photo of the collage of citizens see the garbage pile and debris carried by tsunami waves in front of the Aceh market building (left) and motor vehicle drivers crossed in front of the Aceh market building in Banda Aceh, Aceh.
The photo of the collage of citizens and victims of the tsunami waves gathered in the spherical area of Simpang Lima, Banda Aceh (left) and the rider crossed in the spherical area of Simpang Lima, Banda Aceh, Aceh (right).
Photo : Oscar Motuloh, Maha Eka Swasta, Saptono, Irwansyah Putra
Text : Irwansyah Son
Photos of the building collages of severely damaged Pirak Pante due to the earthquake (left) and Citizens crossed in front of the Murrak Pante Pirak swalayan building that has been rebuilt and renamed Suzuya in Banda Aceh, Aceh.
The photo of the wood pile collages brought the tsunami waves of December 26th 2004 on the Regional Representative Council (DPRK) Banda Aceh (left) and the State Civil Aparatur (ASN) followed the apples in the village of the Regional Representative Council (DPRK) which has become the Diskominfo City Banda in Banda Aceh, Aceh (kan).
Photo collage of an elephant attracts a vehicle jeep among the damaged buildings due to the tsunami (left) and the citizens cross using motor vehicles in Surin, Banda Aceh (right).
Editor : Revelation