Siasat Cimahi is a city without TPA

"Kriiing... cryiing... crying..." voice bel SDN Sukamaju 2 singing, signing the rest time arrives. Following the direction of a class guardian, with a certain number of students spend a meal and drink that contains the calves of the house.

Not long as the voice of the buzzer back, time to continue learning arrives. Motherhood looks in a five-class room, riuh sound chat riang escorts hands that lincah makes crafts from plastic waste. While in the school page, six busy class students enter the foliage bin into the compposter and sort inorganic waste as well as residues.

That is why the implementation of the Cimahi City Environmental Friendly School program (Seralikoci) in the school. Seralikoci itself is one of the programs initiated by the Municipal Government of Cimahi to realize Cimahi zero to landfill or without the final disposal (TPA) at the end of 2025.

Students sort inorganic waste and residual in SDN Sukamaju 2, Cimahi City, West Java.

Warga carries a barrel containing organic waste that has been sorted in Cipageran, Cimahi City, West Java.

In addition to Seralikoci, the city government of Cimahi also has a variety of siasat and other waste processing policies. Among them is a Si Koma Scholarship Program or the Self-employed Waste Management Area.

The program has been applied by the residents of RW 18 Cipageran Village, North Cimahi District merged in the Group of Independent Economy Movement (GEMI) 0418. They cultivate trash by cultivating a black soldier fly maggot (BSF) that is able to decompose organic waste as much as 21 tons per month as well as being a lele fish feed that can result in the economy of surrounding citizens.

Another situation is the activation of the Integrated Waste Processing Place (TPST) Sentiong in Cipageran. TPST is able to process 10 to 50 tons of waste per day integrated using method of magotization as well as processed into fuel alternative Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF).

Warga brings plastic bags containing organic waste that is already sorted in Cipageran, Cimahi City, West Java.

The work of sorting organic waste to be used as maggot feed (larva) fly black soldier fly (BSF) in Integrated Waste Processing (TPST) Lebak When, Cimahi City, West Java.

There is also TPST Lebak When located next to the north of Cimahi City. TPST is able to process two to nine tons of organic waste per day integrated using method of magotization and processed into compost fertilizer.

"Today, who used 230 tons of garbage per day we were thrown to TPA Sarimukti, now we exhausted more than 130 tons of garbage per day. The meaning there are about 100 tons of garbage per day successfully we handle and do here" the head of the Cimahi Chanifah Listyarini City's Environment Office.

Not far from the locationTPST Lebak When, there is a housewife community who loves itself the Creative House of Kabisa with his drive Kokom Sarbaeni Komariah (50) and Anne Qustant (49). The Creative House is able to process 100-300 kilograms of plastic trash and waste leaves per month to be used as a variety of crafts such as bags, clothing, wall decorations, sketches, and ecoprint fabrics sold at Rp5 thousand-Rp300 thousand and marketed to various regions in West Java, Jakarta, Bali, Makassar, to Kalimantan.

Warga grinds organic waste to be used maggot feed (larva) from black soldier fly (BSF) flies at Maggot GEMI 0418, Cipageran, Cimahi City, West Java.

The work feeds maggot (larva) flies black soldier fly (BSF) using organic waste in Integrated Waste Processing (TPST) Lebak When, Cimahi City, West Java.

A wide range of waste management and utilization of hulu to the downstream is carried out all layers of Cimahi City community to realize the ideal "Cmahi City without TPA". A noble contribution of the small city in Bandung Raya area to save the environment and slow the rate of climate crisis.

Photos and text: Abdan Syakura

Warga shows maggot (larva) flies black soldier fly (BSF) in Maggot GEMI 0418, Cipageran, Cimahi City, West Java.

The work of carrying inorganic garbage to be processed in Integrated Waste Processing (TPST) Sentiong, Cimahi City, West Java.

The work of dirt in the Integrated Waste Processing Place (TPST) Sentiong, Cimahi City, West Java.

The work of drying the inorganic waste to be processed into the alternative fuel of the source fuel (RDF) in the Integrated Waste Processing (TPST) Sentiong, Cimahi City, West Java.

Inorganic waste processed into a fuel alternative Refused Derived Fuel (RDF) in Integrated Waste Processing (TPST) Sentiong, Cimahi City, West Java.

The work of inserting organic waste into solar dryer dome in Integrated Waste Processing (TPST) Lebak When, Cimahi City, West Java.

Anggota Asah Kabisa group completed the manufacturing of craft bags made raw plastic waste in Creative Houses of Kabisa, Cipageran, Cimahi City, West Java.

Anggota Asah Kabisa group shows raw clothing waste leaves in the Creative House of Kabisa, Cipageran, Cimahi City, West Java.

Editor: R Rekotomo

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