Blue economic potential of East Kalimantan Surga Forest


Home Elok Amateur Cake Love

My Precious Blood Spill

Visitors dive in the depth of the region of Goa Hello Tube, Maratua Island, Berau, East Kalimantan

Each visitors walk in front of the writing of Maratua Island in Berau, East Kalimantan.

All Time

My Water Safe and Makmur

Amat Subur Island

The number of Dalling dancers poses the injury welcomes the arrival of visitors arriving at Maratua Island, Berau, East Kalimantan.

Photo air separation of Maratua Island.

The Island of Train Pujaan Bangsa

Since the Kala

Kekaguman Ismail Marzuki on his water land, Indonesia, is oldest in a song entitled Rayuan Kelapa Island.

The number of children read the collection book from the dililing library in Maratua Island, Berau, East Kalimantan.

Perajin shows the pendant of coconut shells in Maratua Island, Berau, East Kalimantan.

Despite being in Indonesia’s outermost line, the island named Maratua has a captivation power as depicted in the Ismail Marzuki song.

White sand pruning, mangrove forest, tropical forest, freshwater lakes, sea waters rich in marine biota, as well as a karst area with caves in them blended so one. It is not wrong for anyone who has come to an island of 384,36 square kilometers called Maratua paradise in Berau Regency, East Kalimantan.

The richness of nature can be enjoyed in a number of places in Maratua, such as Derawan, Harapan Bay, Alulu Bay, Haji Buang Lake, and Daing Ginger Laguna.

The visit is in Goa Kabok in Maratua Island, Berau, East Kalimantan.

Photo air Laguna Kehe Daing, Kakaban Island, Berau, East Kalimantan.

Not only the very rich nature, the culture of the society in it has no lesser brush. Approximately 5,000 people whose majority are Bajo tribes have fallen findings inhabiting areas of water therapy 3.735,18 square kilometers directly bordered with Malaysia and Philippines.

Life as a fisherman who is the way of living the Bajo people formed its own local wisdom that appeals to diselami.

In addition to humans, natural harmony is indicated by many turtles that focuses its eggs in Maratua, especially Sangalaki Island by maintaining the conservation of turtle conservation of wild hunt practices. Therefore, the conservation is also enriched through the dropping of eggs of the turtles to further the tapic of the turtle is released to the sea free.

The number of foreign tourists see the turtle to be released in Sangalaki Island, Berau, East Kalimantan.

The charm of foreigners see the disclaimer to be released in Sangalaki Island, Berau, East Kalimantan.

View the attraction, the Archipelago’s Nature Conservation Foundation (YKAN) wants to develop sustainable tourism in Maratua. YKAN strives through the local village (BUMK) Business Association develops the concept of Blue Economy in tourism in Maratua.

The concept emphasizes sustainable economic development to provide economic and social benefits for local communities who are high competitive by still paying attention to the sustainability of the marine ecosystem.

Appointed also by Screen Printing, the call is familiar from Hadianto, former village fishermen Harapan it is a steering wheel to take advantage of coconut shells that are embroidered into sea biota-shaped necklace pendants such as turtle and manta parley that has currently penetrated the Czech Republic market.

The visit to paddle the boat when visiting Laguna Kehe Daing, Kakaban Island, Berau, East Kalimantan.

Natural activities check coral reef conservation in Pratasaba Resor, Maratua Island, Berau, East Kalimantan.

Whether with the Environmental Care Maratua Community (KMPL) invites local tourists and foreigners to continue to move conserving and rehabilitation of coral reefs, as well as maintaining coastal cleanliness from the wastes of waves.

Slow but surely, blue economic optimization efforts that have been lined since the last few years are increasingly visible. According to the Governor of East Kalimantan Akmal Malik, the number of tourists in Maratua continues to increase. Recorded, from 2021 (coVID-19) was recorded 4.900 visitors, in 2022 increased to approximately 6,000 people. In fact, in 2023 tourists soar more 19.700 people.

Photo: M Risyal Hidayat