The development of Jragung dam in Semarang District

A number of trucks transport materials for the construction of Jragung Bendungan in Candirejo Village, Pringapus District, Semarang District, Central Java, Wednesday (31/7/2024). The development of the national strategic project (PSN) multifunctional dam worth Rp2,3 trillion with a total of 503,1 hectares of tampung capacity up to about 90 million cubic meters of the water projected supplying raw water needs in Semarang City, Demak District, and Grobogan Regency, a supply of 4.528 hectares rice irrigation, plays a role as a flood controller, as well as potentially as the Hydro Micro Power Plant (PLTMH) capacity 1.400 kw targeted finished at the end of 2024. ANTARA PHOTO/Aji Styawan/aww.
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