Result in TPS Andika Perkasa-Hendrar Prihadi cheats
KPPS officers showed a valid voice letter when performing the process of Calculation of vocational elections and cawagub Jateng Pilkada 2024 at the Voice Disclosure (TPS) 3 Lempongsari, Semarang, Central Java, Wednesday (27/11/2024). Based on the results of the sound counting in the TPS 3 place a cagub pair and a cawagub Jateng Andika Perkasa-Hendrar Prihadi blocks, the pair of the number of sequences 1 is superior in the TPS by reaching 394 sounds dissolved by a cagub pair and a cawagub Jateng sequence number 2 Ahmad Luthfi-Taj Yasin Maimoen with a acquisition of 36 sounds. ANTARA FOTO/Makna Zaezar/YU
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