Megawati presents the launch of the Todung Mulya Lubis book

The 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia Megawati Soekarnoputri (second left) was paired with the Todung Mulya Lubis lawyer (left) along the former Menko Polkuham Mahfud MD (second right) and the PDI politician of Ganjar Pranowo (right) the launch and discussion of the Pilpres book 2024: Between the Law, Etika, and Psychological Consideration in Jakarta, Thursday (12/12/2024). The book written by the Todung Mulya Lubis lawyer contains 2024 Pilpres events and legal phenomena in it based on the point of view of the Todung. ANTARA FOTO/Zaky Fahreziansyah/app/nym.
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